
A rugged coastline meets the rain forest

Def’n: To wilder /ˈwildər/

  • to cause to lose one’s way
  • to bewilder, perplex
  • to wander away, to lead or cause to stray
  • to become one with the forest and the sea

In the rain forest around the Covehouse, niches of unique ecology abound – sensitive and pristine – with native flora and fauna everywhere. Fish, otters, sea lions, and seals, and starfish, crabs are seen from the shore. Stellar’s jays, bald eagles, hummingbirds, pileated woodpeckers, and kingfishers feed nearby. Massive Douglas fir, Big Leaf Maple and Red Cedar trees, salal and highbush cranberry, lichen and moss are the living quilt where the land meets the sea.